Peterborough Geological and Palaeontological Society - Constitution
DRAFT Constitution
- The name of the group is Peterborough Geological and Palaeontological Group
- The main objective of the group is to run/provide organised fossil collecting events and other events and activities of Earth Science interest;
- Officers and Committee:
- The Officers of the Committee are the:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Field Secretary.
- Elections of these Officers must be held at the Group’s AGM or at a specially-convened Extraordinary General Meeting.
- Seven other committee members may be elected as the Group chooses or co-opted as necessary. Honorary committee members may be co-opted in addition.
- All paid-up members of the Group are entitled to vote in these elections.
- A committee meeting is only valid if at least three Officers and three other committee members are present:
- AGMs and EGMs must be notified to members a month in advance or with as must notice as is reasonably practical
- The group must maintain a bank/building society account to collect membership subscriptions and any other monies and to enable payments to be made. An Auditor must be appointed to check the Group’s accounts
- Membership – We will have single, joint/family, and concession/full-time student rates. The subscription levels will be set/revised annually. They are due on the 31st March each year.
- The Group’s Financial Year runs from 1st April each year until 31st March the following year. The Group’s AGM must be held by 31st March each year.
- The Group can only be dissolved at an AGM or EGM. Should this happen, funds and assets must be passed on to a similar group or geological partnership for their use.
Equality and Diversity Policy
Peterborough Geological and Palaeontological Group is an inclusive group. We will not tolerate offensive behaviour/language, especially on the grounds of age, disability, gender identity, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. Most of these are characteristics are anyway covered under the Equality Act (2010).
Members found to be discriminating against any other member or potential member may have their membership revoked by the committee without notice.